Quiet leaders are my people.


Meet Eric Moore, an ICF-accredited coach with a unique experience in executive communications. Eric's journey began as an introverted professional navigating the challenges of a bustling corporate world. Through years of change management experience and human-centric design expertise, he discovered the power of quiet leadership. Now, he's here to share that knowledge with you.

Personal Story

In 1999, Eric had a pivotal experience with a boisterous COO at a major software company. The first words from the COO were “Fix it or it’s your f*ckin’ job!” From there, as Eric stepped into leadership roles, he vowed to be different, focusing on meaningful connections and compassionate leadership.

Leadership Philosophy

Leadership isn't about being the loudest in the room. It's about authenticity, connection, and understanding. While some are naturally outspoken, Eric’s focus is on those who identify as introverts or ambiverts.

Leading with compassion doesn't mean being a pushover. It's about striking a balance, guiding without overshadowing, and helping others discover their inner strengths. Eric uses a blend of Energy Leadership and Design Thinking frameworks with a focus on inner strengths.


Eric is an Energy Leadership Coach trained by iPEC, an ICF-recognized program, and a certified trainer and facilitator in Design Thinking by the Luma Institute.


Over the years, Eric has had the privilege of working with a diverse range of leaders and organizations, from tech giants like Microsoft to creative powerhouses like Pokémon. Each experience has enriched his understanding of leadership.

Whether you're an emerging leader or an organization seeking transformative change, Eric is here to guide, mentor, and empower.

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